July 10, 2018

RSVP for the WGAE Showrunner Training – July 21 and July 28

The Writers Guild of America, East is hosting its second annual two-day showrunner training on July 21st and July 28th as part of the industry-wide organizing campaign in non-fiction TV. The training will be designed and led by experienced showrunners, and will be a great opportunity for producers who are looking to make...

January 23, 2018

Support from UNI Global for Workers at ITV

Our campaign to win reasonable collective bargaining agreements at ITV/Kirkstall and Leftfield is not one we are waging alone.  The entire global labor movement is weighing in – pressing the company to stop stalling and to reach agreement with the Writers Guild of America, East. Here you’ll find a...

January 16, 2018

2017 In Nonfiction Television!

2017 was another eventful year for the WGAE union effort in nonfiction television! We continued to mobilize industry-wide because in a freelance work environment, this campaign is about elevating standards throughout the entire industry, not just at individual production companies. We held a mass meeting in March to give...

November 2, 2017

You’re Invited to a Nonfiction WGAE Event

Save the date for a nonfiction television industry happy hour, hosted by the Writer’s Guild of America, East. A lot has happened this year, from the showrunner training to organizing Vice production employees.  Come hear the latest and mingle with your colleagues in the industry! We’ll also be talking...

October 31, 2017

300 Scripted TV Writers Come Out in Support of ITV Colleagues

The Writers Guild of America, East has been negotiating with television production companies ITV and Leftfield, seeking a contract that would protect pay minimums, health benefits, working conditions, and basic provisions such as grievance and arbitration and union security. These union protections are standard for the scripted part of...

September 21, 2017

VICE Employees Unionize with the WGAE

VICE Media employees creating video content across the company’s media outlets have unionized with the Writers Guild of America, East, AFL-CIO (WGAE) and Motion Picture Editors Guild, Local 700 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, AFL-CIO (MPEG). The company’s recognition of the WGAE and MPEG results in...

June 29, 2017

NBCU Writers Support Fellow WGAE Employees at Peacock Productions

The Writers Guild of America East delivered the following petition to NBCU management at the bargaining table on Wednesday, June 28th. Petition to Peacock/NBCU Management We are members of the Writers Guild who work for NBCU in NYC, crafting stories for television.  Our union is trying to negotiate a...

May 15, 2017

Showrunner Training Recap

This past weekend the Writers Guild hosted a packed first day of a two-day showrunner training for nonfiction television. The training was designed for producers who are trying to make the leap to showrunner and was developed and led by six experienced showrunners. The instructors participated in an opening...

April 26, 2017

Office of Labor Standards Hearing

Last night, several of your colleagues from the nonfiction television industry gave testimony at a hearing held by the Office of Labor Policy and Standards, in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and the New York City Commission on Human Rights. These commissioners are eager to hear...

April 13, 2017

NYTimes Covers Lunchtime Action

Sometimes something as simple as taking a lunch break can serve as a useful reminder that we all deserve to have our time respected. We work hard to generate billions of dollars for a very profitable industry and deserve sustainable careers and respect. At the very least, we deserve...